Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lady Gaga On The Farm

You're not a real celebrity until you have your own video game or, these days, your own section of FarmVille. Lady Gaga teamed up with Zynga to promote GagaVille, which is now live inside the game. It's a place where you can grow jewels and get her new album when you purchase $25 in Zynga game cards. Yeah, that must be costing Zynga or one of its partners (Best Buy, Clear Channel) a pretty penny?at the very least someone is subsidizing the albums. But at least they are having fun with it. Check out the promo video after the jump which shows what happens when Lady Gaga hits the heartland.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/peIo9j6qurU/


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